Jason Wojo - Selling $30K/Day with Low Ticket Offers
Chad Kodary (00:01.839)
What's going on everybody? Welcome to another episode of behind the revenue. Uh, we have my good friend Jason Wojo. Uh, now Jason, I've been seeing your ads literally everywhere online. It's almost like you don't leave me alone. Uh, I don't know if your remarketing game is just next level or your ad budget is insane, but before we get started and talk about all those things, just give a quick context to the viewers. Who are you? What do you do?
uh... and then we'll take it from there
Jason Wojo (00:33.678)
Yeah, man. So thanks for having me. My name is Jason Wojo. I'm a nine figure marketer. I run Wojo Media. I also run Scalier Ads, which is going to be one of the biggest event spaces for advertising and just pay traffic in general for business owners. We've spent over 30 million on ads, done 125 million online. We work with 90 plus niches and verticals and I've been running Wojo Media now for six years. We specialize in, you know, pay traffic conversion, backend systems, KPI driven strategies.
And yeah, man, and also really good irresistible offers.
Chad Kodary (01:06.895)
So I see, and I'm kick things off here with something that I personally saw, I don't know, a couple of weeks ago. I actually bought it because I'm the type of person that just buys everything I see online. Yeah, I bought it. I was like, I was like, fuck it, dude. I'm just going to go through it and see what the hell this is. Cause I do low ticket offers too. So I was like, you know, maybe I'll learn something that I don't know. And I learned a lot. It was actually great. Right? So it was, I don't it was like 17 bucks or 20 bucks, some shit like that. I forgot what it was, but.
Jason Wojo (01:15.79)
Dude, I saw my phone. I know you bought the low ticket service and I saw it.
Jason Wojo (01:34.03)
Chad Kodary (01:34.959)
but I ended up seeing your ad and you were following me around for a long time, you know, and, uh, and I bought it and I was like, screw it. I'll see it. And I watched it and it was really cool. So can you walk me through like the whole concept is I want to add some context for the viewers of why are low ticket offers better than other ad strategies out there.
Jason Wojo (01:56.078)
Yeah. So when I look at low ticket, I look at like, what is a self liquidating funnel? Like when I'm running anything, I want to be able to have the ad spend pay for someone to book a call because a lot of people run free lead magnets. They run book call funnels. They run application funnels. Like, dude, it's you're not getting anybody to commit to you.
So I'd rather sell them a $7 ebook, a $17 starter kit at $27 mini course so that if they buy something, they go through upsells and down sells, they might be activated even more and then they wind up booking a call. So they're higher quality. Your show rates go up. You don't need to do so much follow up to get them to show up because they're attaching their purchase to the call because you're adding the call as a bonus. And like your close rates are higher because people buy stuff on low ticket.
And then they're like, Oh, I don't want to do it. I just want you to do it for me. And that's honestly where, where, where it's crushing for people.
Chad Kodary (02:53.871)
What's a
What's the best little ticket offer you have right now?
Jason Wojo (02:58.894)
Uh, the best one is the low ticket starter kit. Just teaching the people how to do it. Like that one we've gotten. Yeah. We've gotten 19 ,000 people to buy that. So that one is like, sure. Well, my AOV on it is like $130. So it's done almost $3 million already.
Chad Kodary (03:02.959)
Is that the one that I bought?
Chad Kodary (03:07.439)
And that's what, what was it? 17 bucks or something like that?
Yeah, because you had, by the way, you have like, I don't think I've seen the amount of upsells in a funnel, upsells and down sells in a single funnel. I thought I was fucked up in the head because I have like multiple upsells in my funnels. But dude, you're like, I'm going through the funnel and you're like, do you want to buy this? It's 99 bucks or whatever. And I'm like, no, you know, are you sure you don't next page? You sure you don't want to buy this? I'm going to give it to you for $80. I'm like, no, dude.
Next page. Are you 100 % sure you don't want to buy this? I'm going to give it to you for 50 bucks. I'm like, no. And you're like, next page. Fuck it. I'm giving to you for free. I'm just kidding. But like, dude, you had, you had so many, and I thought that was creative because most people that's where they lose money. I love, love, love, love, love order bombs. I love.
Jason Wojo (03:52.878)
Jason Wojo (04:00.27)
Yeah, man, dude, like people think that, yeah, people think that that's pushing people away. And I'm like, dude, if people are my buyers, they're going to keep buying because second money is the easiest.
Chad Kodary (04:05.487)
Oh no.
Chad Kodary (04:10.575)
Yeah, dude, we have, um, we have a similar offer. Um, we didn't do that much because we didn't run it for a long time. We probably ran it for like maybe six months. Uh, it was called agency launch secrets. I think the front end was 29 bucks. Um, and then we had, uh, three, uh, we had order bumps and then three, uh, one time offers, you know, as you enter the funnel with down sells and stuff like that.
Um, I think our average cart value on that was like 90 something dollars. We ran that for, I don't know, like six months or so. Um, but what we found out was a lot of people that bought that, at least for our industry, cause we work with marketing agencies at dash clicks. Um, a lot of people that bought that it was attracting almost the wrong audience for us because we were teaching people how to start a marketing agency in that program. And then they would spend, you know, whatever 90 bucks on average with us, right.
And then it would come into our world and then they wouldn't really spend much else because they like they're at the beginning phases and like we do white label fulfillment and software for marketing agents who like they have to actually get a client in order to work with us. Right. Or they have to actually like become a real agency to start, you know, shelling out money paying for software and stuff like that. Right. So when we looked at the LTV long term, we just realized like we were kind of like we weren't even to be honest, to be frank.
The funnel did okay, but it didn't wash out. And that's my next question for you. Are you completely washing your ad spend? Cause our return on ad spend from that or liquidation for that was like 60%. We were losing 40 % on that funnel.
Jason Wojo (05:42.254)
Yeah. So the way I look at it is as long as I'm getting a 0 .8 or higher than I'm happy, because you should be able to make the 20 % off the high ticket or LTV through book calls or your high ticket stuff. So like.
Chad Kodary (05:47.567)
Chad Kodary (05:53.487)
What's that funnel getting you? The one that you said is crushing it.
Jason Wojo (05:56.59)
It's getting me a 1 .32. So yeah, I'm spending about 14 ,000 a day on that funnel. So it's churning. Like, dude, we're spending a ton of traffic on that because I'm targeting real business owners who have high ticket, who want to bolt on low ticket to their business. Like.
Chad Kodary (05:59.087)
So you're actually positive on that.
Chad Kodary (06:04.365)
That's fucking crazy.
Chad Kodary (06:13.903)
So you see, you have, you have a, you have a way wider range than us. And I think that's what I really like about your business model. You're not targeting like marketing agencies or plumbers. You know what I'm saying? You're going after just like, who's your targeting on that 14 K who are you? Who's your, what are you targeting? Yeah. Okay. That's what I thought.
Jason Wojo (06:29.038)
It's basically just anybody who's an entrepreneur and wants to sell digital products or their current high ticket business owner that wants to sell low ticket. But here's the thing, dude, is that if I was in your position, dude, for a low ticket, I would run something like, Hey, here's the exact cold chat script that I use to close deals or here's the exact SOPs that I use or like something like that, where it's an agency owner who like wants good systems and wants good backend because they're already doing fulfillment.
So like if I'm a marketing agency owner and I want to download SOPs for 27 bucks, 37 bucks, it means that I'm running fulfillment. It means that I have a team, then they're going to buy your fulfillment stuff on the back end.
Chad Kodary (06:56.451)
Got you.
Chad Kodary (07:03.919)
Yep. Here's a problem with that though. Here's a problem with that. Um, when you look at the agency market, we, we service a lot of agencies. We have a lot of data to back up this claim. Um, 10 % of them are actual, what we call real agencies. 90 % are startups in the process of taking a course or just took a course, right? They're there. They don't even have clients yet. If they do, it's under three, right?
Jason Wojo (07:22.412)
Chad Kodary (07:29.135)
So it's like, those are like, kind like the new beast, right? And then there's like the 10 % in order for us to have a scalable ad campaign. This is where we always have issues. When we run ads, it's like, we'll run ads. We'll start it. We'll scale it up to like 500 bucks a day. The second we start going past that, the agency bucket is not wide enough in order to spend 14 K a day on ads. You see what I'm saying? And if it is, if it is, it is, it's not 14 K a day. Cause you do the frequency would go up like crazy.
Jason Wojo (07:55.278)
Yeah, I mean, the most I think that you'll be able to spend is like maybe two to three. So like, here's the thing too, is like.
Chad Kodary (07:58.703)
Dude, not even dude. The second we go over 500, it's like everything goes down. Yeah. Everything drops.
Jason Wojo (08:02.924)
Oh geez. Okay. The other thing that I would really recommend is like doing a challenge, like five clients in five days challenge.
Chad Kodary (08:10.383)
We did it. We just did a funnel freedom challenge. We had like 20 speakers we brought on. There was 1200 registrations and I think we had like five, 600 people live that actually showed. And then obviously, you know, the replay went out. That was cool, but it was very similar to if you have ever seen click funnels, which I'm sure you have, they have the one funnel away challenge or the new one, which is the, I forgot what it's called. Something funnel challenge, another fucking funnel challenge that they have, right? It's the same thing.
Jason Wojo (08:14.87)
Okay, sick.
Jason Wojo (08:38.946)
Yeah, dude, they got this linchpin thing now.
Chad Kodary (08:39.791)
Um, now they have a linchpin thing. Yeah. So, so for us, you know, we modeled it very similar to that because we, we did it right when we launched our funnel builder. We have a funnel builder inside of dash. Like, so very similar to click funnels, right? You can do the same thing as click funnels plus more. We have a bunch of shit too. So the prop we did, we did the funnel freedom challenge and I'll talk, I'll talk to you about like the outcome and the sales and stuff like that. Cause they're very open to numbers. I really don't care. Um, we, we didn't, we weren't, it didn't like the live version went good. I think we sold.
We sold our, at the end of it, we sold the 997 course. Plus we had some OTOs and shit when he went in the funnel. I think average cart value on that was like 1300, something like that. As people were going through it, I think we maybe sold like 40 or 50 K worth of that product on the live event. Um, and then when we, when we tried to, we basically, what we did was here was a strategy and it didn't really work out that good. And I don't know why, but what we did was we took that. We, when we did the five day challenge, we originally did it not to really create revenue on the live event.
We wanted to have something that was automated, right? So we took that live challenge and we plugged it into webinar fuel or challenge fuel, right? Um, we plugged it, we did a five day challenge and we pretended that it was live. It was all like orchestrated as if it was live, right? Which it looked perfect when you were coming in, we started running ads and we, we actually started running ads more broad to any business, right? Cause we just wanted to see like, if we widened up a little bit, could we get people to just use our funnel builder? And if so great, right?
Jason Wojo (09:45.74)
Mm -hmm.
Chad Kodary (10:08.463)
So we wound up, we had a shit ton of people started registering. We were getting opt -ins for free on the funnel freedom challenge for, I want to say on average between five and 10 bucks, which is like a normal, you know, webinar opt -in or challenge opt -in. It's pretty normal, right? Problem is the show up rate on that when we did it, well, the one we originally ran it just for context, um, you would hit the landing page and it would start every Monday. So every Monday it would just refresh and you'd have to wait. So if you signed up, you know, for viewers watching this,
Jason Wojo (10:19.566)
Yeah, that's not bad, yeah.
Chad Kodary (10:36.495)
If you saw, if you hit the landing page on like a Tuesday, you literally have to wait a whole week until the challenge starts. Right. We ran that for like 30 days. We probably spent like 10 grand on as just kind of testing it out before we, we scaled it up. What we realized was the shell rate was like 15%. It was, it was trash, dude. It was really, really bad. Then what we did to play around with it even more is we're like, okay, well, we don't want to just drop this thing. Let's actually make it so it's not live. It's almost like a prerecorded thing.
Jason Wojo (10:53.794)
Chad Kodary (11:05.519)
So people didn't feel like it was like we were lying to them. Right. And then what we did was we did it on demand. So you would literally register and you would go straight in like from the registration page, you'd click fucking go and you're right there. And day one of the challenge live in a browser, not in the mobile app, the mobile app sucks for webinar fuel. It does not work. I know they say it works. It does not work. I'm good friends with Anthony Morrison. I can tell him to, it does not work.
Right. So do not send people to the mobile app. We tried it. It's or the, the, the app, sorry, not mobile app. Um, they say that it increases sales. It doesn't unfortunately. Um, we've tried it. We tested it on multiple different campaigns, sending people straight to the browser. And incident was good because at that point we, we took out the, the show up rate issue because we had a hundred percent show up rate. People would literally jumping right in the problem. Then we had, we experienced as a five day challenge.
Jason Wojo (11:53.998)
Chad Kodary (11:57.167)
Right. So people have to keep coming back and in, in challenge fuel, it's they, if they register. So here, here's where things got even more confusing. If they register at like one in the morning, right. Cause maybe they were home fucking watching TV and at one in the morning they registered the next day challenge was that one in the morning for them. So it's like, it was a 24 hour gap. That's how webinar fueled you have to like set a standard timeframe of, of. So.
Jason Wojo (12:16.942)
Oh, shit.
Chad Kodary (12:24.463)
We ran that for a couple of weeks. We had a couple of sales, but it w we were actually, we lost revenue on, on the challenge. So now what we did is we just, we stopped running ads to it. I'm sure we will, but we just wanted to focus on some other things that we were doing. So we stopped, we kind of pulled the cord, pulled the plug, whatever on ads. And now we just have the challenge, like in our school community, we give it away for free for people that sign up the dash. So it's like, we do, we use the content, uh, wisely and it just generates us organic sales, but for ads.
It was really hard for us to scale it. And I know you're an ads master. After hearing all that, what would you do if this funnel freedom challenge was yours? Because it's fired, dude. And we had like 20 really high level speakers.
Jason Wojo (13:02.51)
I mean, the thing that I'd say first is like, if everybody who was a signee had a touch point and there were better systems, then it would probably convert better. So like, yeah, you had 20 speakers and that's cool. But when someone signs up, like does a setter call them? Are they getting, okay.
Chad Kodary (13:18.031)
We had that, we had that, we had that for, we tested that too for a couple of, probably like a week maybe, having a setter in there and calling them. A lot of people didn't answer the phone, like 90 % of the people, which I know obviously we could have done a way better job, like with nurture sequences and multiple touch points, but we zapped them into call tools inside of a predictive dialer and we would just hit the campaign every day. And,
Jason Wojo (13:33.388)
Chad Kodary (13:45.199)
A lot of people didn't answer. And then what we realized were the conversations that we were having because I was listening to the calls. And I'm usually curious to see who are the people that are coming into our world from ads like what type of person is this? Right. Like kind of building that avatar in your head. What I realized was 100 percent of the people that were coming in had no money were broke. We're like working like nine to five jobs at McDonald's. It was a free thing. And that's why.
Jason Wojo (14:05.934)
Yeah. And like, was this free? Was it free for them? Yeah. So here's the thing. I would do a five clients and five days challenge and make them pay 47 bucks for it or 27. And then you lead them in and you run it once every two weeks. And that, and that's what I would personally do because I've run other challenge funnels. What? Yeah, dude, you got to get people to pay for it. Cause if it's free, dude, your show rates were 15. Yeah. The 15 % is because it's free.
Chad Kodary (14:23.311)
and run ads to that, right? And then run ads to that, you're saying? Scale it up.
That's the problem.
Jason Wojo (14:34.766)
If you had them pay 27, 37 bucks for it, it's going to go up to 35, 40 % show rates to where you can actually have value conversations. Also, when you're able to give them a result during the challenge, it's sexier. Like get five clients in five days or whatever it is, they're going to constitute a results driven promise around it. Like if they don't expect something by the end of the challenge, then they're not going to keep doing it. So let's say, right.
Day one is developing your offer and sending out cold DMS. Day two is cold email. Day three is this day four is that right? And they're able to now close clients. If they even get one client, bro, they're using your services or using your software. They're using your fulfillment because all they want is a quick win. Yeah, they could be broke, but it's all about results. It's like, if you can get them one client, dude, they're going to stay forever. That's literally it, dude. Like that's it.
Chad Kodary (15:10.959)
It's over. Yeah, it's over.
Chad Kodary (15:23.023)
So, so, uh, great advice, by the way, I want to go back to your funnel. Um, the one that you said that, you know, you spent a couple million dollars or you generate a couple million dollars on spending 14 K a day. Can you walk me through all the way? And I did this, I actually, um, did a podcast with Tyler Narducci yesterday, which is great. And he woke, he walked me through his whole funnel. Cause I'm a funnel nerd and I like ads and funnels and marketing. And I just liked it to, and that's probably why I bought your shit. Cause I just wanted to go through it. Cause.
You were, you were so in my face with the ads. And I was like, obviously if you're spending this much money on ads to remarket me or hit me everywhere I'm going, something is working here. And usually when I see that, not just you from anybody, I whip out my credit card and I buy all the shit. Cause I just want to see what it looks like on the backend. And I think people get curious too, and that makes for great content. So we're going to go through it. So if you can, can you walk me through that funnel? Like landing page, OTOs, price points, AOV.
Like just like in a high level scope, you don't have to get too much into detail.
Jason Wojo (16:24.078)
Yeah. So they come in for 27 bucks. The order bump is, Hey, you need to be able to run ads to the low ticket funnel that you're getting. So here's my ad training on how I run low ticket ads. That's 27. So it becomes 54 bucks. The next page says, Hey, listen, you could run the first three pages, but like, why don't you just copy my entire funnel for 57 bucks? Then the next upsell after that is, okay, you copy the funnel, you're running ads. Here's how to scale it to a thousand dollars a day.
That was 47. And then the page after that is, okay, cool. You can do all that, but what about selling high ticket? Here's my high ticket accelerator kit. Here's how to sell high ticket, the best high ticket products, my sales script, appointment, sending script, all this stuff. So you can take all the leads that are buying, call them and sell high ticket. That was another 57. Oh no, 97, sorry. And then after that is you can make money with ads all you want, but
Here are my best organic videos that drive traffic to my low ticket funnel. So here's all my viral video scripts. And that was 37. And then they go to a thank you page to book a call. When they get on the call.
Chad Kodary (17:27.811)
What's a max out purchase if somebody bought everything?
Jason Wojo (17:31.278)
I think it's 240 something. I think so. So like it's one, it's one Oh, no, it's one 33. It's one 33. So they end that and then they go to a book call. The book call is, yo, we'll just do it for you. And that's $4 ,000 a month for four months. That's 16 K.
Chad Kodary (17:33.423)
Okay. And you said your A L V was one. What was it?
Chad Kodary (17:42.031)
133, that's great.
Chad Kodary (17:50.703)
Alright, let's stop right there. How many people, what's the percentage of people that book goals?
Jason Wojo (17:57.238)
Percentage of people was about 8 % and then the close rate was nuts dude like we close one a day off that easily
Chad Kodary (18:04.239)
And what's a high ticket item? Four keys to 4k, right? No, it's 16k. Gotcha.
Jason Wojo (18:06.318)
It's 16 K it's for four K a month for four months. So like, dude, if I just get one person to buy a week, I make money on the front end plus backend and I pay for the sales rep commission too. It's like, see that last thing that's exciting. Also, we tested another offer which works well on organic. And here's the offer is I go on Instagram live and I'm like, Hey, if you want me to build your low ticket funnel, just pay me $10 ,000 one time setup fee.
Chad Kodary (18:13.039)
worth everything.
Chad Kodary (18:19.919)
And that.
Jason Wojo (18:34.926)
And then once you make your 10 grand back, then you get charged the second 10 grand. So it's a results driven 10 K it's an oral wide 10 K payment. So like that's been fucking killing it, dude. Like that's that that's been crushing on organic. When I sent emails after that.
Chad Kodary (18:43.821)
Got you.
Chad Kodary (18:48.719)
and you build the funnel, you build the funnel and you run the ads or you're just building the funnel.
Jason Wojo (18:52.334)
and we run the ads, two 10K, then we get the second 10K, and then you pay a two K month management fee after it. So realistically, dude, it's like a 30K LTV if they agree to it and they get the ROI.
Chad Kodary (18:58.575)
Got you.
I want to go back to the, to the funnel that we were going through. Um, you said it was 8 % of the people that book a call on that last confirmation page.
Jason Wojo (19:10.894)
Yeah, so it's about 20 book calls a day because we get about 300 buyers a day.
Chad Kodary (19:15.343)
And then great, by the way. And then that 8%, is that just self -booking or is that including? And then what are you doing?
Jason Wojo (19:20.366)
self -booking. We don't... Okay, so here's the thing is that I can't raise my spend right now because I don't have enough appointment centers. We're hiring. Yeah, dude. Yeah.
Chad Kodary (19:27.631)
got you. And then aside from setters, even backend email automations, are you having anything in the backend where it's like, Hey, you didn't schedule a call. You know, are you also getting additional bookings from that?
Jason Wojo (19:36.302)
Yeah, dude, email emails doing well. Yeah. So we do, we have a couple email, like browse abandonment too. We're like, they'll finish buying and then I'm like, Hey, you forgot something. And it's the last page book of calls. So like, what, like the 8 % includes everything, like all the book calls, because they're going back to that book call page where it's the thank you page. So I always send them back there because it resonates with them because they've already been there. I don't send them to like a new calendar link or something. They go back to the GHL thank you page.
Chad Kodary (19:52.175)
Okay. Fair enough. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I got you. It's not you.
Chad Kodary (20:02.979)
Yeah, dude, you got to get a center on there. We just we we. Yeah, we we just.
Jason Wojo (20:06.464)
Yeah, no, dude, that's literally like what me and Casey are doing this week. We're getting two setters because we have three and like one of them sucked. So we had to replace them and like, yeah.
Chad Kodary (20:16.271)
We just added a setter like six months ago into Dash Flux. And basically what they do is every new person that signs up to Dash Flux, they call them and they book a demo because we know that if you book a demo with us, we're going to offer you something at the end of the demo, like a 997 or higher ticket product. And even if you don't buy anything, the chances of you buying from us shoot up like 50 plus percent because you spoke to a real human. You went through the whole process. You understand things more. You're more likely to buy. Right. So we want to get people on the demo. That's like,
like our first point of where we want people to come in with us. The second we added a center and with the same amount of leads that we had, we doubled the book rate, right? So we went from booking, you know, let's say as an example, five people a day to 10 people a day would not increasing leads or anything, right? Just simply from adding a center in place, because what we realized is people just want to speak to somebody like they get the SMS is an emails, like they're all automated. People are not stupid, right? They understand those, those things are all automations, right? So it's like impersonal.
Jason Wojo (20:54.574)
Chad Kodary (21:15.055)
Do the second you add a center and it change your game.
Jason Wojo (21:17.422)
Yeah. The other thing too that I was thinking about, man, is that if you were on a SaaS, why don't you just make a landing page that's universal for all these agency owners and sell them a template? Like call it something and sell them the best landing page template to get clients and they have to use dash clicks to get it.
Chad Kodary (21:33.295)
Yeah, we literally just yesterday released 140 funnel templates inside of our funnels app and there's bunch in there. Yeah. So yeah, they are in there. In fact, we took, I think we took five of the funnels that we've been using for funnels that we built on ClickFunnels before we had our funnel builder and then we moved them over into DashClicks, right? But like that $17, my agency lawn secrets funnel or my agency booster kit funnel, which is like a 997.
Jason Wojo (21:40.11)
Okay, yeah, I was gonna say I'm like, dude, it's great.
Chad Kodary (22:02.255)
kind of like intro starter kit for agencies or whatever, a bunch of other, you know, we had proven prospecting systems, which was also a low ticket offer. We did those 17 bucks. We took a bunch of those. We took all the templates, like the actual funnel, and we dropped them inside of funnel templates too. So like there's a bunch of funnels that we have that agencies, coaches, things like that can use. But I want to go back because I'm interested, like I said, I'm a funnel nerd. So, um,
Jason Wojo (22:25.07)
I love it.
Chad Kodary (22:30.863)
So 8 % let's go back to like the call where we left off. So 8 % of the people actually book a call. How many people show up?
Jason Wojo (22:37.326)
Dude, we're getting 70 % show rates.
Chad Kodary (22:39.691)
70 % show rates, which is great. Yeah, that's why.
Jason Wojo (22:41.358)
Because they could, because they bought, because they bought, but then like half of them though, unfortunately are not crazy qualified because they don't have a high ticket backend. That's the only problem with those calls right now is that it's like, not everybody has a high ticket offer and they don't have a predictable sales process. So like, even if I bolt on low ticket, it's not going to solve all your problems, but they think it is. So like, like let's say, yeah, let's say 18 people book 12 show up.
Chad Kodary (22:49.967)
You asking qualifying questions on the call?
Chad Kodary (23:05.135)
You have like, you have like random people coming through.
Jason Wojo (23:11.438)
And then six of them aren't qualified. And then like the other three are broke because they just like spend a bunch of money on some other stupid course. So like three people are eligible to buy three, usually close. It just depends. But then some of them don't need us to do it for them. They went through the kid already and did it because it's fast and they just want us to run the ads. So that's just the management fee at that point. It's not the whole four K a month for four months. It's three K a month for four months. So like they don't want the whole D F Y side. Um, they just want ads.
Chad Kodary (23:15.737)
Chad Kodary (23:38.255)
Yep. Makes sense. How many p the ads that you're running, you're doing them in house, like you have your own ads team. How many people are used on staff? Like at your agency? Wow. And a lot of them just, I'm assuming a lot of media buyers.
Jason Wojo (23:46.22)
Yeah, dude, yeah.
Jason Wojo (23:50.348)
52 right now.
Jason Wojo (23:55.924)
We have strategy leads, account managers, media buyers, developers, copywriters, email copywriters. We have graphic designers. So it's very vast. About a good five to eight of those people are SYA. So those are our Scalier Ads events. We have two admins, five sales reps, and then me.
Chad Kodary (24:14.255)
I want to go into that because I've seen ads for the for your event in I think it's Miami or something like that. I want to go into that too because I'm actually curious about events. We did a couple of events too.
Jason Wojo (24:17.484)
Oh, those fucking crushed you.
Jason Wojo (24:23.938)
Well, dude, the one in Miami was just last weekend. Yeah, dude.
Chad Kodary (24:26.543)
I saw, I saw the ads. Are you frequently doing that? What are you doing there? Like walk me, let's go through the fuck. Let's just go through that strategy really quick. So before, before you go through like funnels and ads and all that stuff, like what's the point of what's the outcome? Is it to sell people your agent? Cause there's always an outcome for events.
Jason Wojo (24:41.806)
So like, here's the thing, right? Yeah. So this is going to be a pretty like blunt, honest answer to this. I actually don't want to tell people about it because I don't want people to know that that's the hidden gem in the industry. So like, all I'm going to say is this, is that if you're a business owner and you're not running free events, like you're losing a ton of money. And that's all I'm going to say about it because dude, we've done the math. Like bro, last year we ran events. We did over 6 million on free events.
Chad Kodary (25:03.023)
Oh, the event is free too.
Chad Kodary (25:09.263)
All right, let's walk, cause I gotta go through this business. I gotta go through this cause we did, we used to do events, smaller events. We did it in our office. Um, we would bring, it was more private high ticket events, uh, paid, right? We would bring, um, I think it was $2 ,500 a ticket to come. It's a one day event. We had, I think 12 or 15 people.
Right. Cause we have like a little studio here that with seats and all that. Um, it was like 15 people or something like that. They would come and then they'd spend the whole day with us, feed them lunch, all that good stuff. Right. And it's just like a one day accelerator for their agency. That's like super fast based. Yeah. We sold them into our, uh, six K coaching program, which was dash elite. We used to have like a 50 % conversion rate because it was so intimate.
Jason Wojo (25:31.31)
Jason Wojo (25:43.342)
Were you upselling them anything?
Jason Wojo (25:48.91)
Okay, so you got 30 people in the room.
Jason Wojo (25:54.894)
Okay. So let's say 30 people, 2 ,500 bucks. What is that? It's like $75 ,000.
Chad Kodary (26:00.431)
No, not 30. We used to have like, I think 12 seats or 15 seats or some shit like that. Yeah.
Jason Wojo (26:03.98)
Oh yeah, 12 seats. So, okay. So let's say 30 grand in ticket sales and another six people buy 6K that's 56 ,000. Dude, I can get a hundred people in the room on free events. And last weekend we did $234 ,000 on a free event with 80 people in the room.
Chad Kodary (26:10.031)
Yeah, about 100k.
Chad Kodary (26:17.167)
fucking dude. All right, let's walk through this. Walk me through the, the concept. I want to know, uh, I want to know how you get people in there. I want to know what you're paying for the event space, what you're doing, what the event is, what your upsell looks like, how you're sending people to the back of the room, whatever the hell they're doing. Right. Walk me through the whole thing. Just high level. Just go really quick through it.
Jason Wojo (26:35.886)
So it's a free event. We run it to a simple lander. Um, we run the ads, you know, two months out, we're trying to get as many signups because there's a lot of stuff that happens before that, which is they have two months to watch my shit. So they're watching my content for two months and do those people who call like they become a signup, but they buy stuff before the event. So I'm retargeting them with low ticket ads.
Chad Kodary (26:59.983)
So, so you're running ads to the event. Let's say you book an event, you book a space. Do you always do it in Miami, by the way? Do you always do it in Miami or are you doing it in different places? Okay.
Jason Wojo (27:03.534)
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Let me, let me, yeah. Yeah. Let me just rear back. Okay. No, we're doing it in different cities. So the best cities like we're running, um, Tampa, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm beach, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, New York. Those are, those are the locations. So.
Chad Kodary (27:21.295)
Okay. Let's go through like just a Miami one as an example, because I know that was probably, I think that was the recent one that you just did. Right. So you, you run that, you run ads to that locally for people who live in Miami, which is probably why I saw the ad because I'm in Fort Lauderdale. Um, so you're running that ad and that is basically you're running it two months ahead of time. And you're basically telling people.
Jason Wojo (27:28.238)
Yeah. So Miami.
Jason Wojo (27:33.142)
Chad Kodary (27:44.751)
This is a free event if you're looking, if you're a business owner and you're looking to use ads to scale your business.
Jason Wojo (27:47.788)
If you're a business owner looking to run, yeah, looking to scale your ads or run paid traffic, they go to a landing page, they fill it out and get six bucks a sign up. I spent about nine grand in ads to fill the room. I'm spending $8 ,000 on that. 125 seats. So.
Chad Kodary (27:59.471)
How much, how big is the room? Are we, how many seats? And you're overbooking cause people don't show a lot of people fucking register and they don't even come. How do you handle that by the way? Like what happens if you just,
Jason Wojo (28:06.158)
Yeah. Yeah.
but I want them on my email list. I don't care about them coming or not because they're going to come eventually.
Chad Kodary (28:14.893)
How many people did you book for the Miami event? How many people showed?
Jason Wojo (28:17.334)
720 and 80 people showed, which was not a great show rate, by the way. It's not, it was not great, but we still pulled money in the room. The last Miami event we had, we got 500 signups and 134 people showed up.
Chad Kodary (28:20.833)
Jesus, fuck. Yeah, but.
Chad Kodary (28:31.567)
What do you do if you ever been throwing an event where more people show up and you can fit? What do you do? Just.
Jason Wojo (28:35.566)
Yeah, we just grab tables and the hotel just charges us a little bit more, which is like maybe a couple hundred bucks a day extra, but whatever. Um.
Chad Kodary (28:40.975)
Yeah. How much is the event space like the one you did in Miami? Where in Miami did you do it?
Jason Wojo (28:45.198)
It was at the courtyard, Mary, uh, that was like 65, 7 K. It was like 7 K for two days combined. So it's not bad. Yeah. Two day bet. Yup. And, um, then we have like the upsell, which is it's 12 ,000 or 17 ,000, two 20.
Chad Kodary (28:47.873)
Chad Kodary (28:52.367)
So it's a two day event.
Jason Wojo (29:03.246)
So those are our two packages and on those packages, we do an ROI guarantee plus five K if they don't get an ROI because my sales guys talk to them, bill report, ask them questions to know if they're even qualified to be sold because I don't want to sell somebody who has no fucking business. So they got to be a real business.
Chad Kodary (29:11.183)
Chad Kodary (29:18.543)
Yeah. How do you qualifying these people to come in the room? Like, are you?
Jason Wojo (29:23.086)
I have seven sales guys that are very professional. They've been with me for over a year and they kneel down, they talk to people, they sit next to people, they build rapport, they talk while they go to the bathroom. They're just doing sales in person. They're talking to you.
Chad Kodary (29:35.247)
Yeah. Yeah. So your sales reps are on foot at the event and they're just, they're talking to people and these, these, the people that are coming to your event, like obviously I'm sure. Do you, are you asking questions? Like what type of business do you have? How much revenue? Like what are the, what's the avatar of people?
Jason Wojo (29:41.772)
Jason Wojo (29:50.318)
So they sign up, yeah, they sign up and they get redirected to an RSVP form, which asks them your business, your URL, how much money you make a month, how liquid are you, do you have any partners, are you bringing any partners, et cetera. So we know before they show up.
Chad Kodary (30:00.013)
Chad Kodary (30:03.791)
Got you. What are these like? Are you seeing this like mostly new businesses that are signing up?
Jason Wojo (30:09.166)
I would say if I get 100 people in the room, 30 of them to 40 of them run a real business. The other 60 % are just learners and people who are trying to get off the ground.
Chad Kodary (30:16.719)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's usually what we get a lot in doubt. Even signups at Daswix we get like maybe higher actually maybe like 80 % of like newbies and like 20 % that are like real agencies that are that have like 10, 15, 30 clients, right? Stuff like that. All right. So you run it and then at the, at the end of day two, you're pitching or you pitching at the end of day one.
Jason Wojo (30:37.134)
I pitched at the end, before launch day one, and then at the end of the day, day one. Bro, yeah bro. We'll get, so we offer stacks. So the first day they show up before launch, I pitch. I have a guest speaker who pitches for me. End of day one, I pitch again and I add bonuses. So we pitch the package with the ROI guarantee before launch.
Chad Kodary (30:42.063)
before lunch, you said, day one. How do you?
Jason Wojo (31:02.03)
Then at the end of day one, we're like, Hey, listen, we told you an ROI guarantee, but I was wrong. It's actually that plus five K on top. If we don't make your money back, that scoops up more people. Then before launching the end of day two, well, before launch day two, I then say, Hey, listen, I messed up again. You're going to get on a podcast with me and we're going to fly you in for a one -on -one private session with me. That gets a shit ton of people. Then after that, at the end.
Chad Kodary (31:27.599)
Wow. And you're doing that. You're flying them in and they're spending a whole day with you. And that's for seven. That's for the 17 K package. I'm assuming the higher one.
Jason Wojo (31:30.606)
Yes, bro, the offer's insane. So then at the end of day two, yeah, at the end of day two, then I also add more bonuses. You're also going to get three partner posts of me on Instagram from the one -on -one session that we do in person because someone's going to record it. And you're going to get to do, and you're going to get to come to a mansion tomorrow and we record your ads in person.
Chad Kodary (31:46.895)
Yep, that's good for you. That's good, I like that, that's slick.
Jason Wojo (31:55.246)
Dude, I rent out a big ass, I rent this big mansion, it's big Airbnb, it's like five grand a day. I get all these business owners to come over, I have my videographer do the scripts and film their ads in person. And now they're activated. Like dude, it crushes, bro.
Chad Kodary (31:55.727)
You've got this thought out, dude.
Chad Kodary (32:09.903)
Wow. And what I look, I've been running ads for a long time. Not everybody wins. You never, you know, like, what do you do with the people that don't legitimately make back an ROI? Do you, are you just like, fuck it, I'll work for free until you, we do, or like, how do you handle that? So near cause dude, the reality is, is not everybody's product is great. Not everybody's service is great. Like, you know what I mean? It's, it's, it's a normal thing.
Jason Wojo (32:30.862)
Yeah. I mean, we have conditions. Yeah. We have conditions in their agreement of like, Hey, if you don't call the leads, you're not getting your ROI guarantee and refund. There are disclaimers.
Chad Kodary (32:41.423)
Yeah, that's what I want to know. Like, how are you handling the guarantee? Because guarantees are done in different ways.
Jason Wojo (32:45.984)
Yeah, so also like, man, here's the thing. We're going to know within the first month if you're going to even be a good client. So if all hell breaks loose, we just refund you your first month and we just break our ties. So that I don't go the whole six months and waste all my time and have to give you 20 grand back.
Chad Kodary (32:56.879)
Chad Kodary (33:01.615)
Let me better understand the offer actually. So it's 17, I give you $17 ,200 or whatever it was. What am I actually getting for that?
Jason Wojo (33:11.022)
So you're getting six months of ad management where we bolt onto your business, we build your funnel, we help you to offer your creatives, we launch your ads for six months.
Chad Kodary (33:22.479)
You're doing it all done for you. We build your whole funnel, running all your ads. You're shooting their videos, creating graphics. You're doing all that stuff.
Jason Wojo (33:24.398)
Gone for you everything. Yeah.
Jason Wojo (33:29.962)
Yup. And then here's the thing too, is that they, they go to the house or whatever. They're recording their ads. Now we're pitching them again. So they're at the Airbnb. We're recording their ads and then we're like, Hey, listen, don't you have friends that live in the area? Invite them over and we'll sell them and we'll give you 500 bucks back right now. So now they're there. They're one text away from their friends. Like, yo, come over. Like you got to work with this ad guy. Like, wojo's a beast.
Chad Kodary (33:49.807)
And that works, people come.
Jason Wojo (33:57.646)
They walk inside the house. They sign the agreement. We literally give them 500 bucks back. We just refund it there through my Stripe and then there are new activated clients. So now I'm getting more clients from referrals, dude. It's fricking disgusting. Cause it's, it's local. So their friends are all local. Like, dude, it's broad.
Chad Kodary (34:08.943)
Love that dude, that's fucking, I love that. That's cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's great dude. And I live in Fort Lauderdale, like I get it, like people, like especially for like you talk about like mansions and like stuff like that, like, hey, I'm at this crazy mansion, come over. That's cool.
Jason Wojo (34:25.87)
Yeah, and dude, like if they record ads at a mansion, their conversion rates go up. They're going to make money.
Chad Kodary (34:31.437)
And most of the businesses that you work with, is it more so like coaching style stuff where they're like, yeah.
Jason Wojo (34:35.598)
It's more so high ticket because I can make their money back. Like for example, dude, a guy signed up at the event and he helps HVAC business owners with their financial modeling. His beginning package is $16 ,000. I just had to get him one client for six months for six months, bro. What?
Chad Kodary (34:47.823)
Yeah. Is that what is most like everyone you work with is high ticket. I said everyone you work with is high ticket selling some type of high ticket, either service or coaching program. You don't really work with like products, right? Not many like ecom and stuff like.
Jason Wojo (34:54.796)
Mostly, yeah. Yeah.
Jason Wojo (35:00.974)
I mean, e -comm we do, but they got to have proven revenue. Like we sold a guy at the event and he was making 50K a month already. I'm like, dude, easy, just come on board. Cause all we got to do for him is bolt on email and he makes his money back within a month. Like, dude, that's all we're doing is finding the low hanging fruit in the business and just hiking it. Like we also did something with him where we're like, dude, put a phone number at the top and we're going to hook up a call center. You're going to make more money. There you go. Done. Next. And then we're just doing that and we're just providing them results and they just can't leave.
Chad Kodary (35:07.791)
Yeah, okay. Okay, I like it. Yep, yep, I was literally just thinking the whole backend system, yeah.
Chad Kodary (35:31.287)
All right. So we, all right, because I'm taking, uh, this is a lot to take in. This is a great episode. Um, so we went through your whole funnel fucking 17 K day, you're spending on ads and what's the average return on that?
Jason Wojo (35:45.326)
So it's 14 ,000 a day and that's a mix between low ticket and high ticket and events. So I want to give you context, nine grand a day we spend on low ticket, another three ish we spend on book calls and then the other $1 a day is events. So as far as return, I mean, dude, we're doing about 25, $30 ,000 a day. So it's.
Chad Kodary (35:47.951)
14 ,000 a day.
Okay, yeah, cool.
Chad Kodary (36:06.319)
Yeah. And, but by the way, booked calls is a remarketing campaign from your audience already. Like you're just, you're not just randomly doing cold book calls.
Jason Wojo (36:13.23)
We do retargeting plus a little bit of cold traffic to the best audiences that we find through high rows. So we find the best ad sets through high rows then we run that.
Chad Kodary (36:20.431)
How, we just literally signed up to high roast last week, um, which I don't know why the fuck we haven't used it. Is it legit? It does. Right. Cause I'm already seeing the, you know, we had a problem running at, I don't know how the hell I've been right. We were using seg metrics before. Um, it was garbage. It didn't work. It, it wasn't tracking properly. It was, it was like all of our Stripe products were coming in weird. Um, so we couldn't get like proper tracking. We had to like still do manual shit.
Jason Wojo (36:25.134)
Dude, I'm telling you right now, that is gonna change the game for you. Dude. Dude.
Chad Kodary (36:46.799)
and I'm paying so I don't have to do the manual shit, right? I want like just to log in and see my stuff. Like is high. How accurate has high rose been for you? Cause I've been using it for a week, so I don't have a lot of data to tell spot on.
Jason Wojo (36:52.012)
Mm -hmm.
Jason Wojo (36:59.31)
It's 90 % attribution. It does scientific LTV. It does last click LTV, first click LTV. I'm telling you right now, you're going to find out what ads actually make the most money. And.
Chad Kodary (37:04.143)
Yeah, I saw that.
Chad Kodary (37:09.871)
I've only been doing it for a week, so would you say like you gotta give a data, right? Like I gotta wait like a month or two.
Jason Wojo (37:13.198)
I would say within six weeks, yeah do within six weeks you're gonna know what's working. Within six weeks, let it run for six weeks, don't touch it before then. And.
Chad Kodary (37:17.571)
Yeah, I'm not. Well, we have a lot of cold. We run ads for dashics. We have a model where we're doing very simple model. Most people run it, but we're doing a cold bucket, warm bucket, hot bucket, then remarketing. So we have like these four campaigns that we run. And then, you know, cold bucket is just straight up video views, getting people warmed up, you know, brand awareness, stuff like that. A warm bucket is remarketing from people who watch like 50 % of those videos or engage in our ads, is it our page, website, shit like that.
Um, and then, you know, obviously it keeps going down. You get the rest like hot is just straight, direct response. Remarketing is remarketing. Right. So like for us, we have to wait a long time. Also for our business model, people who come into dash clicks do not buy on day one because it's not like they're running ads to like a course or a program or something like that. Right. Um, they, they, they want to speak to us. They want to do a demo. They have to transfer their clients over. It's a, you know, it's, it's a little bit more of a longer cycle. So for us, definitely it's going to take time.
Jason Wojo (37:52.558)
Yeah, of course.
Chad Kodary (38:17.679)
I want to get into some fun stuff before we close out here. I see that you just recently bought Bentley. I think Bentayega. What's it called?
Jason Wojo (38:25.782)
Yeah, it's a Bentley Bentayga. Yeah. Dude, it's so sick. Plus it was a tax write -off because it's a 6 ,000 pound vehicle. This is the last year you could do it, by the way. They decreased it from 100 % deductible to 80%. So.
Chad Kodary (38:29.455)
Bentayga, Bentayga. Do you like it?
Chad Kodary (38:37.837)
Chad Kodary (38:44.835)
What how many car I'm a car person. I've had many exotic cars. I currently drive Huracan Lamborghini Huracan. I had the Gallardo before that. I also have AMG Mercedes. I just bought it like literally a month ago. Not even AMG GT 53 Mercedes, which is awesome for Dora. Love it. Matt, what's your favorite car? I know you I think you had a McLaren too, right? At one point.
Jason Wojo (38:49.122)
Jason Wojo (39:04.206)
That's sick.
Jason Wojo (39:11.886)
Yeah, I got my McLaren GT and then a 570 S. I like the, I really liked the GT. It's very clean. Um, I'm about to get an Aventura or whatever the hell they call that new one. It's like a new beta car. It's called an Aventure or a Venture or whatever the hell it is. But like, yeah, McLaren. Yeah. I mean, dude, I think McLaren's are nicer.
Chad Kodary (39:24.047)
What is that?
Chad Kodary (39:28.749)
That for McLaren.
Jason Wojo (39:33.806)
than all the other cars I've had because they're very like exclusive. Like you get like, dude, if I drive in Miami, that's all I see are Lambos. I wanted something that no one rapped about in music videos. I was like, y 'all like, what do people not talk about? Let me get a McLaren. Yeah. But dude, like the Bentley is very clean. It's very comfortable. The massage seats are nice. It's also very classy, dude. Like when I have my team with me, it's not, it's a very professional. It sets the tone. It's not this like, logy thing.
Chad Kodary (39:37.103)
Chad Kodary (39:40.719)
Yeah, I get it. Yeah, I get it.
Chad Kodary (39:52.877)
Chad Kodary (39:59.471)
You didn't want the Uris? No Uris?
Jason Wojo (40:01.58)
The year is saying bad, but I think it was a bad idea, dude. That's a bad look. I just can't do it through the years. This ugly, like they, they tried, dude, they try to do an SUV. Stupid idea. Just stick to the sedans. I just don't get it, dude. I'm sorry. I just can't do it. Like.
Chad Kodary (40:08.175)
I really like the ears. Really?
Chad Kodary (40:15.567)
Wow. Yeah, I was going to do a Uris but instead of getting the Mercedes and I just didn't want another Lamborghini. I've had the Gallardo. I have this. I don't want another one. You know what I'm saying? You get sick of it. Yeah.
Jason Wojo (40:26.188)
Yeah, dude, those are those are nice cars. I just think the SUV is a weird move with a sports car company.
You're just trying to stretch it. Like they're just trying to get more market share, but like, dude, the, the. Yeah.
Chad Kodary (40:33.519)
Okay, fair enough.
Dude, it's all over. Everybody has Huracans by the way, in my, in South Florida. It's, it's like, I see it driving by every day. It's nuts. And that's probably the reason also why I didn't get it. Um, like the Lamborghini that I have, I have a Huracan, um, it's blue with beige interior. So it's like, and it's convertible. So beautiful, beautiful color combo. Um, but I've had it for almost three years now, so I'm due for a swap.
Jason Wojo (40:43.392)
Chad Kodary (41:04.719)
Um, and I don't know what I'm going to get. I'm not sure. All right, man, dude, this was a, a hell of an episode and you are, I know you said right now you're in Orlando going back to Tampa. Um, where do you see yourself? Like what's happening with, with wojo media in the next six, 12 months? Like any big things that are just going to be like, dude, this fucking like event thing, I'm going to blow it up. Like what, what's your, what's like that thing?
Jason Wojo (41:25.996)
Um, biggest thing right now is that I just replaced myself as CEO. So I no longer run Wojo media. I'm just the owner. Uh, Casey runs that. And right now I'm focused on S Y which is the events because. Makes more money. So S Y a is crushing it. We're going to get a whole entire office, a home base in Tampa where I can host more salespeople where I can host appointment centers, more leadership, more admins, more overall leadership roles and managers.
Chad Kodary (41:35.469)
Congrats, dude.
Chad Kodary (41:40.655)
Nice, the events are crushing it, yeah.
Jason Wojo (41:57.166)
Um, and then just start building infrastructure to be able to scale. So that's the next piece for us is right now I'm shopping office spaces and like, that's a whole shit show. So that's the, like the next piece for us is getting a home base, whole building. I'm not sharing them with nobody. Um, and then also what we're going to do is we're going have a top floor, which is all management. And then bottom floor is going to be all trainings. So all the people who buy from events, they can come downstairs and we just keep pitching them and selling them things like sales training, come to our workshop.
Chad Kodary (42:00.655)
Yeah, I like that.
Chad Kodary (42:05.773)
Chad Kodary (42:22.991)
That's cool. Yeah.
Jason Wojo (42:24.654)
You know, leadership workshop come to our building. Like that's where the whole bottom floor is going to be this whole event space underneath. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Onyx is awesome. Yeah.
Chad Kodary (42:29.487)
Kind of like learn. Like, yeah, you know, Anik, Anik Singal from Learn. Yeah, Anik, yeah, he's coming on our podcast, I think next week. Good friend of mine, he was actually one of the speakers at the Funnel Freedom Challenge. He's done webinars with us, so his concept is pretty cool, very similar to that. I have one last question, and then we are gonna wrap it up here. I see you doing videos, lots and lots of content.
I am now, I used to do a lot of content. I stopped for like two years because I was building this whole dash click software and company. And I was just very intertwined with the everyday business life. Um, now that I've replaced myself from a lot of those duties and I have more time to do content, as you can see podcasts and stuff like that. Um, what channels have been the best for you and are you monetizing your content? How are you monetizing your content?
Jason Wojo (43:19.726)
So just omnipresence wise, TikTok and Instagram crush it. YouTube gets a lot of high ticket buyers. You know, it's crazy, yes. It's all organic, yeah. So what we're doing is, is right now I just bought like 43, 44 TikTok accounts and I'm giving them to new editors. And we're doing like the whole Iman Ghazi method right now. So.
Chad Kodary (43:27.855)
This is all organic by the way, right? I'm just talking about organic. Okay, cool.
Chad Kodary (43:39.949)
Mmm, yeah.
Jason Wojo (43:41.422)
They're taking their recreating their own content. I paid them $750 a video and we're doing the same method that we did last year, but we stopped last year because of the fact that that video went viral, me with the gym, I stopped posting because I was like, yo, we gotta like clean this shit up. And then that video went viral, got 800 million views. Dude, it's the video of me like talking shit about the gym and it went viral, dude. It went.
Chad Kodary (43:58.799)
What was that? What video was it?
Jason Wojo (44:04.782)
all over the freaking place and it was nuts. And then I stopped it because of all the stuff that we had to fix in the business because all the increased traffic. Dude, we like doubled our revenue in like 14 days. It was the most insane thing. Video goes viral, it was nuts. And then now we're revisiting it because we have better infrastructure right now and with the events. So we just put the links to all my low ticket products in the bios of those TikTok accounts. So now all the views, they're now going to the low ticket funnels and now I'm getting free leads.
Chad Kodary (44:15.471)
Chad Kodary (44:30.959)
And is it the same video you're just republishing on 44 accounts?
Jason Wojo (44:33.582)
No, every single editor I'm buying a TikTok account for them that I own. So they log in, they edit, they post their own stuff and they're incentivized by video views and that's how they get paid.
Chad Kodary (44:44.175)
Gotcha. What type of videos are you seeing that crush it on tick tock? And cause for me, I just started doing the tick tock and an IG reels. Um, what, what advice can you give me right now? I'm just repurposing content. I'm grabbing, you know, podcasts and yeah, right. You got to say shit that people do.
Jason Wojo (44:56.398)
Yeah, it's all controversial, bro. You got to be controversial. Dude, that's it, bro. Like you just have to say shit that everyone else is thinking that no one wants to say out loud. That's really it, dude. Like that's all I'm saying.
Chad Kodary (45:11.023)
And when you're creating the content, I know you have a video team. So is the video team just following you around and then you're just grabbing the good shit and posting it? Is that pretty much what it is?
Jason Wojo (45:17.23)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's really it. Yeah. And they just put it in Google Drive. We throw it in the group chat with 40 editors and then they're just like excited. So they grabbed the link and they just start clipping it. Like the videos, like dude, it's so systemized to where, like, let's say if we were in person right now and we did this podcast, you're going to see an edited video by tonight. Like that's how fast it is. I throw the Google Drive link in there and do there's 40 fuckers in there downloading it and doing it.
Chad Kodary (45:42.831)
I love that man. All right, man. Uh, we'll wrap it up here. Um, this was a super fire podcast, uh, Jason Wojo from Mojo media. I know you're here somewhat locally in Florida. So, uh, hopefully next time I see it'll be face to face. We'll hang out, grab some drinks and have some fun, dude. But, uh, where, if anybody wants to find you or follow you, where's the best place.
Jason Wojo (46:00.642)
Jason Wojo (46:05.07)
Yeah, Instagram is at the Jason Wojo. I'm also on YouTube, LinkedIn, Threads. And then if you want to build your own low ticket funnel, go to lowticketstarterkit .com forward slash info and you can grab that today for 27 bucks.
Chad Kodary (46:18.863)
Love it brother. Hey man, thank you so much. Thanks for the time and we'll see you on the next run.
Jason Wojo (46:23.372)